We are 41 daysuntil Wrestlemania 28, with the hugebattle between The Rock against JohnCena, April 1st in Miami Florida. Sheamus will also receive achampionship match. Today we will talk about as the countdown continues, ifperhaps announcing the main event a year before Wrestlemania was as good as anidea of it was in the first place.
ALot Can Happen In One Year
Flashback to the April 4th2012 edition of WWE RAW, featuring thechallenge being thrown down for the match between the Rock and John Cena, April1st in Miami. We know a lot can happen throughout a year. Peopleenter the company, leave the company, there are a lot of injuries, a lot ofcomebacks, and a few tragic deaths. Given the direction of that WWE changestheir storylines, the tide could change in a year many times. And John Cenacould suffer some horrific injury that could put him on the shelf right beforethe home stretch, thus sinking the entire thing. Or the Rock in some freakaccident while training?
Basically announcing theWrestlemania main event a year before the show was just opening up the gatesand inviting Murphy in. Murphy, as in Murphy’s Law where everything that can gowrong potentially can, not Murphy as in Gunner’s former tag team partner in TNAof course.
John Cena continued his feud withthe Miz, had a short feud with R-Truth, had that epic feud with CM Punk, feudedwith Alberto Del Rio, so far, mostly good, until the moment where the set upfor Survivor Series 2011 occurred, with the Rock and John Cena taking on theMiz and R-Truth.
We have a problem. Namely WWE’s overpromotion of Twitter. WhereTwitter is shoved our throats. At one point, the Twitter hype was out ofcontrol. The term “X-Pac heat”(an entirely overrated term all thingsconsidered, but work with me.), might need to be renamed to “Twitter Heat”after WWE’s constant shoveling of Twitterdown our throats. To the point where a sizeable portion of the WWE Universebegan to wretch.
Six days before WWE SurvivorSeries 2011, was when things got really out of control. Really, really out ofcontrol, and the biggest, most major crack right through the Rock against JohnCena hype. An entire twenty minutes of RAW devoted right to the promotion ofwhat’s trending on Twitter.
If you want any indication of whySurvivor Series 2011 tanked, that was it. It was far from the worst RAW everbut it was pretty much up there. Then we had the match, where Rock laid outJohn Cena again, making him look like a chump. Then we had the Kane feud, overJohn Cena not embracing the hate. We had some of the worst acting and one ofthe worst feuds in the history of John Cena and one of the worst feuds in Kane’sentire career.
Oneof the worst feuds in the entire history of Kane! If you think formore than two seconds about Kane’s career.
Wrestlemania is around six weeksaway, and the Rock and John Cena have been delegated back to the Twitter Warfor a Twitter feud. The Rock should be showing up on some shows to hypeWrestlemania 28. The buzz for the Rock’s return over a year ago has pretty muchfaded.
Will it pick up come Wrestlemania 28. Only time will tell.
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