We are 48 daysand counting to Wrestlemania 28 from Miami Florida on April 1st2012, headlined by the huge match between the Rock and John Cena and alsoSheamus receiving a championship opportunity for winning the Royal Rumble. Aswe continue to the Road to Wrestlemania, today it is time to talk about theUltimate Challenge from Wrestlemania VI, featuring The WWF Champion Hulk Hogantaking on the WWF Intercontinental Champion the Ultimate Warrior
TheUltimate Challenge at Wrestlemania VI
From a technical standpoint,Warrior and Hogan weren’t the greatest wrestlers in the world. And obviouslythey are not the most mentally stable these days for various reasons. However,back in 1990, the Ultimate Warrior was like a supernova rising to the top andHulk Hogan was of course the top name in the World Wrestling Federation. Many other alternate plans had beenspeculated for Wrestlemania VI, with Hogan defending against Mr. Perfect or aheel turn from Brutus Beefcake or even Zeus to settle the No Holds Barred feud.The Mr. Perfect feud with Hogan didn’t draw and the other two ideas wereabsurd, so in the interest of business, these suggestions were nothing butsuggestions.
Both men had many confrontations.In the modern day, it would eventually lead to someone turning heel but thistime, there was some tension, a criss cross spot at the Royal Rumble, and somenear physicality. The match described as the Ultimate Challenge was set up, thefirst time ever on Pay Per View that the WWF Intercontinental Champion wouldtake on the WWF Champion.
The match was amazing, the fanswere rocking, the commentary was spot on. This would be the swansong of thelegendary duo of Jesse Ventura and Gorilla Monsoon on commentary, so they wentout with a bang. Both men gave a performance, throwing everything they had ateach other and in the end the Ultimate Warrior managed to avoid the leg dropand splash Hogan for the pin.
From a business standpoint, theUltimate Warriors reign as WWF Champion kind of fell flat. However this matchwas great. It was not however the Ultimate Warrior’s best Wrestlemania match.That would be to come next year.
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