The clock isticking, thirty eight days and countingto WWE Wrestlemania 28. The showcase of the immortals, the show of shows,Wrestlemania 28, featuring The Rockagainst John Cena in that historic main event. Of course, that is not theonly thing that Wrestlemania really has to offer. The Undertaker puts the undefeated streak that current rests at 19-0 atWrestlemania 28, against Triple H. Triple H is taking his third swing atbat and it might be three strikes you are out, for the King of Kings. One ofWWE’s most barbaric matches will be the playground when the Undertaker meetsTriple H in Hell in a Cell. ChrisJericho and CM Punk collide for the WWE Championship. Jericho’s return hasbeen met with not as much drama as we might have expected but hopefully Punkand Jericho will steal the show at Mania. And of course, The World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan defends against Sheamus.
WWE really does try and makeWrestlemania an event and some Wrestlemanias have really seemed to be morespectacular than others. Some years, it is just a Pay Per View out of sea of a dozen more(or more if you count TNAor UFC). WWE really does have the ball in their court with Wrestlemania 28,with the huge four main event matches that we have discusses. One match canmake a Wrestlemania card for sure, as Shawn Michaels vs. the Undertaker atWrestlemania 25 and Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 13proved. Now overall, what are some of the weaker Wrestlemania. And of coursethe double dose of greatness with Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart and Razor Ramon vs.Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania X.
The vastly underwhelming natureof certain Wrestlemanias do speak for themselves however. And we head to one ofthem now, turn back the way back machine to 1993, where we have the WorldWrestling Federation Tag Team Champions Money Incorporated defending againstHulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake, the Mega Maniacs.
WrestlemaniaIX-Hogan Slums the Midcard or Does He?
For the first eightWrestlemanias, Hulk Hogan has been in the main event of seven of them and evenat Wrestlemaia IV, the sole exception, he left his own mark. Yet in 1992,Hulkamania was fading fast, so after his match with Sid Justice at Wrestlemania8, Hogan took some time off. To film Mr. Nanny if I recall correctly. WWF wentwith Randy Savage and then Ric Flair, before hitching their wagon to Bret Hart.
Yet the lure of the spotlightwould not be enough for the Hulkster to overcome, he wanted more taste of theforbidden apple of fame. After his good personal friend, Brutus “The Barber”Beefcake made his own return to the ring, for a match against Ted DiBiase on anearly Modnay Night RAW(a rematch of a past Wrestlemania, in Wrestlemania V),the master of the cut and the strut was not at a good advance, especially whenDiBiase and IRS battered Beefcake with a briefcase, trying to smash in hissurgically repaired face. Jimmy Hart, formally a weasly heel had turned goodguy, and Hulk Hogan returned. Money Inc of Dibiase and IRS were the WorldWrestling Federation Tag Team Champions and would defend against BrutusBeefcake and Hulk Hogan alongside their new manager, Jimmy Hart.
It happened, for the first timeever, Hulk Hogan had been destined to the midcard. Little did we know theHulkster had a trick up his sleeve. The match between the Mega Maniacs andMoney Incorporated at WWF Wrestlemania IX was actually solid all thingsconsidered. Hogan and Beefcake appeared to have won the titles but given thatJimmy Hart was not a licensed WWF official. Funnily enough it was Danny Davisof all people who pointed out the officiating was not on the level. Hogan andBeefcake passed out Ted DiBiase’s money to the crowd.
YetHulk Hogan was not done on that night. Far from it, brother. Rather Hulk Hoganshowed right up, after Yokozuna had dethroned Bret Hart to win the WorldWrestling Federation Title. He accepted the challenge that Mr. Fuji laid outand Hulk Hogan took down Yokozuna for the three, after some accidental saltright in the eyes of Yokozuna by Fuji.
For the fifth time Hulkamaniareigned supreme but his time had passed, at least for that moment. Hogan woulddrop the belt a few months later and go onto WCW a year after that to do somebig business. He would not be a part of Wrestlemania until nine years later.
But we should have known thatHulk Hogan would not have not figured himself into the main event.
38 days until WWE Wrestlemania 28April 1st 2012 in Miami with John Cena vs. the Rock, The Undertakervs. Triple H, CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho, and Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus. That isyour Wrestlemania card right now, don’t you dare miss it.
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